Rightneed is an online fundraising website found by Thinkwide Solutions & Services Private Limited. This platform supports to raise funds from a large number of people for genuine needs of individuals or society which has social angle.
Crowd Funding is an innovative way to fund creative campaigns and help people to live their dream. The concept plays on the belief that not many people can't cut a large cheque for your campaign, but they can contribute in smaller amounts. Crowdfunding is a form of alternative finance, which has emerged outside of the traditional financial system.
1) You can register using 'register' tab on home page. After initial registration, a verification email will be send to your e-mail address. After succesful verification, the account will be activated. After final registration, you can login to your account.
2) you can also login using your facebook account. In this case normal registartion is not applicable.
A campaigner starts a campaign to raise funds for his project which will have a specific target amount to be raised with in a specific date. The campaigner can take the money raised and go ahead and complete the project. Rightneed plays a moderator role. On home page, click 'Start Your Campaign'. To start a camapign its mandatory to login first.
Rightneed does not charge any fee for browsing on the Website. Rightneed's charges are limited to the facilitation fee (including platform / collection fees and transactional charges) which is 10% of goal amount.
Thinkwide solutions and services private limited is a registered company provides all business solutions. Rightneed is a brand, web portal of Thinkwide's crowdfunding platform. All Rightneed payments are configured to the parent company, Thinkwide Solutions and Services Private Limited. Refer to www.thinkwide.biz to know more about Thinkwide.
Rightneed supports all right or genuine needs of individuals or society which fall under categories
· Children
· Community Development
· Disabled
· Disaster Relief
· Education
· Elderly
· Events
· Fashion & Design
· Film & Entertainment
· Food
· Health
· Photography
· Publishing
· Rural Development
· Save Environment
· Social Entrepreneurship
· Sports
· Technology
· Theatre & Fine Arts
· Women Empowerment
One can refer to Discover Campaigns to browse through the existing, approved campaigns raised by users. There you can decide to contribute and also share on your social network.
Once you open the campaign, you will find contribute tab on right side. By clicking that it will access to 3 step contribute process.
Yes, you can contribute as many campaigns as you want, there is no multi selection option, hence you need to follow the same process for every campaign.
All high prioirty camapigns are categoriaed and presented on home page to get attention of all the web site visitors. High prioirty been assigned to those campaigns basis severity of the need, urgency for support, shorter time left etc.
Yes, you can choose login as Guest (step1 of contribution) in the contribute page. In anycase your details (step3 of contribution)has to be entered before accesing the payment gateway, There in the name you can enter "guest' but all other details such email and phone number are mandatory and correct for payment gateway. By clicking name as 'Guest', on the campaign page, in the contributor list your name will be shown as 'Guest'
At My dash board....You can refer/upadte your personal details, you can refer your campaigns raised / your contributions and you can change your password also.
On login window, you can choose 'forgot your password'. If you are a registered user, an email with reset password option will be sent to your regsitered email.
First refer to junk mails as sometimes the mails may delivered as junk. In anycase if you miss it, you can regenerate. Click login window and click 'Resend verification mail'. Link will be resend to your registered email.
Refer on home page footer, you will find terms and conditions, privacy policy, campaign guidleines and also link to categories, contact etc etc.
Its not mandatory. We recommend campaigns with video clip as it helps contributors to refer quickly and easy to understand the camapign, in any case we dont push campaigners to enclose video clip as some of them may not afford to create one. Hence we made all 5 campaign images mandatory to submit.
All completed / closed campaigns (whether succesful or not) are not allowed for further contributions, in any case they are still available on the portal under completed tab. Browsing through those camapigns may give some understanding.
Yes on need basis if camapigner ask for. Contact rightneed@thinkwide.biz, rightneed team meber will support and the service is on first come first basis.
Yes. If you like the campaign you can contribute any amount INR 10 (ten rupees) and above. You can also support by sharing the campaign to your friends and family. We made it easy for you to share the campaign in any of the social networks. You will find the tab in the campaign page.
its PayUmoney, reliable and secure gateway.